AMANDA GOSNELL, Athlete of the Month Nov 2023

Congratulations to Amanda Gosnell for being named the November Athlete of the Month! Amanda’s journey in CrossFit is truly inspiring, and we’re thrilled to recognize her dedication and hard work. She has shown incredible determination and commitment over the past five years, even through a pregnancy with her precious twins. But in this last year, Amanda has been on fire!

Her laid-back and competitive nature is a unique combination that not only keeps us entertained, but makes her a standout member of the community. Her achievement of mastering advanced skills like bar muscle-ups and working with Rx weights is a testament to her dedication and drive.

Amanda’s passion for CrossFit and her supportive presence in the Blackbird community go beyond her personal accomplishments. She actively participates in events, cheers on and encourages others, and serves as an inspiration to other Blackbird women through her strength and drive.

Everyone in the gym knows Amanda and Giovanna. She met G at Blackbird in 2018 and they quickly became P4L in and out of the gym. “She gives everyone someone to chase. Seeing her on top of the leaderboard the last year has been truly inspiring! It’s hard to believe she ever birthed twins, but her competitive spirit and dedication have really shown through this last year and I couldn’t be more proud!,” boasts her bestie G.

Amanda’s story is a testament to the idea that fitness is not just about getting “skinny” but becoming strong, capable, and athletic. Her remarkable progress in decreasing body fat percentage and increasing muscle mass is a testament to her unwavering commitment to herself. Her journey from 26% body fat to 17%, along with losing 8 lbs and gaining 3 lbs of muscle mass, showcases her incredible transformation.

Amanda’s goals to continue adding muscle mass and lifting heavier weights reflect her commitment to ongoing growth and progress in her fitness journey. With her strong work ethic, it’s clear that she will achieve any goal she sets her sights on.

Congratulations once again to Amanda Gosnell for being named the November Athlete of the Month. Her story is a true inspiration to anyone looking to make positive changes in their fitness and overall well-being. Meet Amanda…

Tell us about yourself

My name is Amanda Gosnell and I am 35 years old. I have been married to my husband, Brandon, for 6 years, although he would tell you it feels more like 50 and that that he had hair before we met 13 years ago, but that would be a lie. We have twin 2-year olds, Miles and Hayley, who have made our lives infinitely more fun, chaotic, tiring, and filled with love. I thank God for CrossFit at least once a day when I am farmer-carrying two 30-pound children up the steps. I have worked for Booz Allen Hamilton as a contractor for the Department of Defense for the last 12 years. I have a Bachelor’s in Marketing from Virginia Tech and a Masters in Cybersecurity from UMBC.

What made you start CrossFit? Has your motivation changed over the years? 

I played sports for most of my life, so I have always been active and competitive, but I was never really “strong.” You can ask my sister – my only advantage on her was speed. When we were kids, I would launch something at her head and then run like hell and lock my bedroom door because she could’ve beaten me to a pulp. I wanted to try CrossFit for so long but was so intimidated by it. What has kept me doing CrossFit is absolutely the community – there is nothing like it! I also love that the workouts and movements are constantly varied. And seeing the results of putting in the work is also what keeps me going. I have done CrossFit through many phases on my life – pre-kids, during pregnancy (as many of you witnessed – that mostly consisted of me pulling a box into my square and sitting on it for 80% of class), and post-pregnancy. The coaches have always helped me scale the workouts based on the phase of life I am in.

What have you learned about movement, fitness, and yourself since joining Blackbird?

That you can do anything you want to if you work hard enough for it. Before CrossFit, and even many years into CrossFit, I could not do a single pull up, rope climb, or handstand pushup, among other things. I have also learned that I still have a lot to learn, especially when it comes to the Barbell.

What is your proudest CrossFit moment?

Beating Bret in a WOD. Just kidding (not really.) My proudest CF moments are definitely anytime I have learned a new skill. I will never forget my first strict pull up (looking like I was riding a bike in midair), my first handstand push up, my first rope climb, my first bar muscle up, my first handstand walk. All of those big milestones are my proudest because most of those involved a lot of practicing that led up to that moment.

What is your favorite CrossFit movement, lift, or WOD? Least favorite?

Favorite movements are Dubs, Overhead Squats, Running, and Toes to Bar. Low rep scheme and less than 12 min AMRAP is my gym jam. I loathe deadlifts because I am terrible at them and I definitely hate Turkish getups.

What impact has CrossFit had on you inside and outside of the gym?

I am strong for the first time in my life in my 30s! I know that I will be able to carry my twin sack of potato children even when their feet touch the ground, and that is important to me. I want to set an example for them by living a healthy lifestyle, because that is what my parents did for me. And I’m trying to live long enough to take care of my grandchildren some day!

What do you enjoy most about Blackbird or CrossFit in general?

I enjoy the people the most! I have made some of my very best friends inside these walls! There is nothing like the community at Blackbird. I also love that you never get stagnant – you either push yourself harder by putting more weight on the bar or you move faster.

What are your CrossFit goals? How close are you to reaching them?

My biggest CrossFit goal now is to become efficient at handstand walking. I can randomly go a few steps, but nothing consistent, so I’d like to figure that out!

When you are not CrossFitting what is your favorite thing to do?

Hang out with my kids, my family, and my friends. I also love to read. And the occasional trip to GL Shacks to put a $20 in the Jukebox and play 90s/2000s rap on repeat.

What is one fun thing about you that we may not know yet?

I wore #23 for every sport I played from age 5 onward. When I was probably 8 or 9 years old, every other girl on my soccer team had their last name on the back of the jersey but I had them write Air Jordan on mine. It really is shocking that I have friends.

What is the one tip you would give someone considering CrossFit or new to CrossFit?

Don’t be scared – you won’t regret it! Best decision you will ever make!

What is your diet like? Has it changed since starting CrossFit?

I will never forget telling Matt in my nutrition 1-on-1 a few years ago that I ate a Kit Kat bar every day at work. He said “like a mini Kit Kat?” And I said “no like a full Kit Kat, all 4 sticks.” He was not thrilled with me. I have always been “balanced” with my diet but I never really focused on it, until the last 8-10 months. I gave up the Kit Kats, focused on cooking healthy dinners at home, replaced my nightly ice cream with Skyr, and upped my protein intake. It has made a huge difference. Good for me, not good for the Snack Fund at my client building; because they were definitely putting their kids through college with my Kit Kat purchases.

What is your favorite workout fuel? What about your favorite indulgence?


Results? Tell us about your results!

From January 2019 to June of 2023, I decreased my body fat percentage from 26 to 17%, lost 8
lbs, and increased my muscle mass by 3 lbs. My goal is to add a few more pounds of muscle
mass so I can lift big girl weights!


I am so thankful that I joined Blackbird 5 years ago. I am thankful for the coaches who have helped me so much and who deal with our BS, especially the 4PM crew because we are especially rowdy. I am thankful for the members who motivate me and give me something to chase on the leaderboard! I look forward to the one hour a day I spend inside BBCF every single
day – I truly cannot imagine my life without it!