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Blackbird’s 1st Annual WOD for WARMTH

WOD for warmth 1000x600

Come sweat it out for a good cause on Saturday, December 6th at 9am! We will be collecting new and gently used coats, hats, gloves, scarfs and snow boots for children in need through Angel Tree of Baltimore.

Your entry fee into WOD for WARMTH is a donation of at least one of these items or $10. We will also have a collection box in the lobby for donations for those of you who cannot make it to the charity WOD. This event is open to the community. Please bring a friend!

The Angel Tree program provides much needed clothing items, special needs gifts and other wished-for toys to Baltimore’s neediest children. Blackbird CrossFit is donating to Angel Tree on behalf of Acts of Love for Steph.

Be a child’s hero this holiday season!

Blackbird CrossFit will also be sponsoring a family in need for the holidays. If you are interested in helping out or for more information on WOD for WARMTH, please contact Rebekah @ 410.303.1214 or [email protected].

Blackbird CrossFit is located at 5320 Enterprise Rd, Suites H & I Eldersburg, MD 21784.


#ACTSOFLOVEFORSTEPH is a social media campaign started this holiday season to honor Steph Stanley by giving gifts and food to children and families in need. Steph was a close family friend of one of our own Blackbird families, The Rogers Family.  Steph was a graduate of Towson University and a 3rd year medical student at Michigan State.  She was a recent bride of just 70 days to Tommy Davis.  Over the last 5 years, she began to suffer with chronic unexplained leg pain.  She endured 4 previous unsuccessful surgeries and had her last surgery on Oct. 14th.  She was recovering and doing well when unexplainably she passed away on the morning of Oct. 21st.   As her favorite holiday approaches, her family and friends want to keep her loving, compassionate and giving spirit alive.  Even while enduring her health issues, she would talk about how she couldn’t wait to be a doctor so she could help other people. What Steph loved about Christmas was not receiving gifts but giving gifts to others.  She especially loved helping children in need. 

This Christmas there will be children throughout the United States that will wake up without a present under a tree. Maybe without a tree at all.  Some may not even have food on the table that day. We want to change that, just as Steph would have wanted. 

In honor of Steph this is what they are asking you to do:

Do an Act of Love for Steph.  Go and purchase a gift for a child in need.  Take a selfie with your wrapped or unwrapped gift and post it to Acts of love for Steph facebook page and/or Instagram account. Along with your selfie post your name, where you live and #ACTSOFLOVEFORSTEPH. How awesome it will be this Christmas that needy children will receive gifts because others did an Act of love for Steph.  It would be amazing on Christmas morning if there were thousands of children who received gifts in honor of her.

As a CrossFit Community, we are honored to give back to our community and the surrounding areas. And even though we did not know Steph, her vision and passion to help those in need aligns with one of our own missions to pay it forward. Let’s make a difference this holiday season!