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Unwavering Optimism: George Connolly’s Secret to Success

George Connolly is our Blackbird Athlete of the Month for October! George joined Blackbird in January 2021. For three years, he kept his head down and worked hard to develop sound form and mechanics in all of his movements. But it’s been in the past year, when he introduced his daughter Charlotte to CrossFit, that George really began to shine. Helping her develop a love for fitness and healthy living before she headed off to college lit a fire in him. They participated in every event together, from the Blackbird Open Team League to MURPH to our 24-Hour charity row-a-thon. They were active members in our Healthy Habits Accountability Group, learning proper nutrition and focusing on improving daily habits like sleep, water intake, and practicing gratitude. Their shared commitment to having fun and making memories through fitness, strengthened their father-daughter bond, and our community has loved every second of their inspiring relationship.

But in his own right, George is a goal-oriented individual who is committed to continuous improvement. When he sets his mind to something, he is determined to see it through. He has worked diligently to improve his Olympic lifting skills, joining our Barbell Club and putting in extra hours of practice. Even during his regular workouts, George is always striving to push himself and learn new techniques. He jumps up and does extra pull ups in between his lifting sets and he takes meticulous notes on his favorite coaching cues. He recently stepped out of his comfort zone even further and competed in the Blackbird Classic Powerlifting Competition.

George’s positive attitude and willingness to learn have made him a valuable member of our community. He is outrageously optimistic and can turn any workout or any challenge into an exciting opportunity to grow. He has also been a welcoming and supportive presence for new members of our gym, always willing to offer advice or encouragement. His dedication and perseverance at 58 years old are an inspiration to us all. We love us some George!

Meet George…

Tell us about yourself

My name is George Connolly. I am 58, married to Jennifer, and I am a retired stay-at-home Dad of two young adults, Charlotte, 18 and Emmet, 15.

What made you start CrossFit? Has your motivation changed over the years? 

 I came to BBCF during the height of the Pandemic, I just wanted a safe place to workout and the squares were comforting.  The workouts were challenging from day one. I have really enjoyed surprising myself by doing things I didn’t think I could do, from wall walks to pull ups to double unders.  I continue to challenge myself, but what really gets me into the gym everyday is the fellowship of BBCF members and staff.  Matt and Rebekah have created a truly special place.

What have you learned about movement, fitness, and yourself since joining Blackbird?

BBCF has taught me that discipline trumps motivation, I get gains everyday by sticking to the program and listening to the coaches and experienced members. I have learned that motivation is a byproduct of discipline and I try to get to the gym every day.

What is your proudest CrossFit moment?

The 2024 Blackbird Classic Powerlifting Meet. I am not a natural competitor, nor a natural powerlifter, but the experience has opened my eyes on competing with myself and the primary importance of proper form. 

What is your favorite CrossFit movement, lift, or WOD? Least favorite?

Muscle ups have me perplexed. They look so fluid and effortless when properly done. Why can’t I do that?

What impact has CrossFit had on you inside and outside of the gym?

Physically my balance and flexibility have improved dramatically.  Personally I am more confident and willing to help out. 

What are your CrossFit goals? How close are you to reaching them?

Improved doubles, handstand push ups, and muscle ups, in no particular order.  I’m looking to get stronger with better mobility. It’s a process, and I am not giving up (although I may have to adjust my expectations.)


What do you enjoy most about Blackbird or CrossFit in general?

Blackbird’s supportive people, consistently encouraging and engaging to make me better.  

When you are not CrossFitting what is your favorite thing to do?

I love to travel with my wife and kids.  We will soon be empty nesters, and I look forward to seeing new places and familiar places to keep things fresh.

What is one fun thing about you that we may not know yet?

I am a huge fan of Snoopy and jazz music.  The Christmas Peanuts Special is a favorite.

What is the one tip you would give someone considering CrossFit or new to CrossFit?

Come for the fitness and you will stay for the fellowship.  

What is your diet like? Has it changed since starting CrossFit?

My diet is not as consistent as I would like, but I try to make good choices.  Coach Ashley has opened my eyes to the importance of a good diet to meeting my fitness goals. 

The Healthy Habits Accountability Program forced me to look at my diet and share it with the group. I did the program with Charlotte and she would NOT let me eat anything without taking a picture and posting it.  

What is your favorite workout fuel? What about your favorite indulgence?

Protein shakes are great for me pre-workout, simple milk and protein powder.   Indulgence is ice cream bars, specifically FatBoy Juniors.

Results? Tell us about your results!

Although I am roughly the same weight as I was when I started at BBCF, literally everything in my fitness has dramatically improved since I started here. I don’t like the concept of reverse aging, but I like that I feel pretty darn good for my age.


Gratitude is my free write. Thank you, Matt and Rebekah and talented Blackbird coaches, you have created an amazing community for fitness and good living. Your good work and positive coaching are greatly appreciated by all.  As I sent Charlotte off to college, I hoped that she would find her people as I have found my people here at BBCF.  Thank you for setting the bar high.