Meet Craig Mertan, a true testament to dedication and consistent improvement. Craig has been a fixture at Blackbird CrossFit for an impressive 5.8 years, consistently gracing the 6:30am class with his presence.
In the gym, Craig’s journey has been one of steady progress. Once more conservative with his weights, he’s had all of his early morning coaches there to remind him that he is ready for more. So, heavier weights are usually dropped in front of him, and he always rises to the challenge! Because of this, he has demonstrated remarkable growth over the past year, consistently pushing his limits. We especially admire his commitment to going the extra mile. Craig is one of the few members who diligently performs the accessory work after each class, a testament to his dedication to continuous improvement.
“What I love about Craig is that he is an excellent example of a smart athlete – he listens to his body and chooses movements or modifications that work for him, but he also is always pushing himself to complete every workout he can at the highest level. He is consistent both in his attendance and his determination to work on improving skills after class,” gushes Coach Kristin.
Beyond the gym, Craig is a vibrant member of the Blackbird community. Alongside his partner, Tim, he’s a staple at all our socials! When he’s not lifting, Craig enjoys honing his skills as a master cocktail maker and indulging in his passion for cooking.
Craig, your consistency, positive attitude, and unwavering commitment to the Blackbird community inspire us all. Congratulations on being named Athlete of the Month!
Meet Craig..
Tell us about yourself
Hi, I’m Craig! I’m 45 (young at heart) with a BA in Illustration, and I work as a Product Designer creating digital experiences for mobile and web. Originally from California, I’ve lived in Brooklyn, NY, and now call Reisterstown home, where I live with Tim Storck to be closer to his family.
What was the turning point that led you to CrossFit? What keeps you coming back to Blackbird week after week?
I’ve always been active, whether through jobs that kept me on my feet or walking everywhere in New York. I even did spin classes while living there. But after moving to Maryland, I found myself driving more, moving less, and missing that physical activity. I joined a gym, but I wasn’t seeing the results I wanted. That’s when Tim suggested I try CrossFit. I’d resisted it for years, thinking it was “too intense,” but I gave it a shot. On my first day, I confidently thought I’d be doing ring muscle-ups. Matt laughed and said he’d find a scale for me, and I remember thinking, “What’s a scale?” lol.
Can you share a specific instance where CrossFit has challenged you in a positive way? What did you learn from it?
During longer, more challenging cardio workouts, there have been moments when I’ve felt like giving up. But I never did, and every time afterward, I’m so grateful I pushed through.
What is your favorite memory or experience from the gym?
12 days of Christmas post-workout mimosas with the 6:30am class, of course!
What is your favorite CrossFit movement, lift, or WOD? Least favorite?
Can I say accessory work? lol. I definitely prefer AMRAPs over For Time WODs—I feel like you can push yourself hard and still slow down when you’re running on empty by the end.
I enjoy anything bar-to-overhead or exercises that don’t require a full squat (shoutout to my poor knees and weak thighs, lol). Thrusters and overhead squats? Not a fan. And why are burpees so ridiculously hard? At least now I can actually do an overhead squat without falling over, so there’s progress!
What do you enjoy the most about Blackbird or CrossFit in general?
It keeps me interested week after week, which isn’t easy to do with me.
You’ve always been consistent, but you’ve been putting in a lot of extra work this year. What has been the catalyst for this?
It’s a lot about maintenance at this point and trying to make small gains where I can for as long as I can.
What are your CrossFit goals? How close are you to reaching them?
Everyone knows I’ve been trying to get a bar muscle up for a couple of years now. I’m maybe 80% there. 😬
Can you share a specific health improvement or positive change in your life that you attribute to CrossFit?
I definitely feel better on days I work out as opposed to days I do not (oof this holiday eating was rough with no working out…)
When you are not CrossFitting what is your favorite thing to do?
My happy place is cooking. I love trying different combinations to see what works and what doesn’t. You never quite know what you’re going to get but when it works it’s good eats!
What is one fun thing about you that we may not know yet?
I love making/creating things so I always have a backlog of creative projects waiting to be completed. A long time ago in an apartment far far away, I made a second death star (the one from ROTJ) from a street light globe that is fiber-optically lit from the inside.
How has your approach to nutrition changed since starting CrossFit?
I would love to start eating smaller portions but the salads we make are just so good it’s hard. I also don’t feel as bad eating dessert if I’ve worked out that day.
What advice would you give to someone who is hesitant to try CrossFit?
CrossFit is pretty flexible so don’t be worried about the RX version so much as getting a good workout in for you.
Results? Tell us about your results!
Without a doubt, I’m more fit now than prior to starting CrossFit. Before joining I never worked on my core which is now one of my primary focuses at the gym both during and after the WOD during the cool down. I am still getting occasional PRs albeit at a slower rate, but that’s a win in my book!