Athlete of the Month – Oct. 2014 – Bobby Kirkner

DSC_0013Bobby Kirkner is BBCF’s October Athlete of the Month  

As you walk into the 5:30am class, the first athlete you will usually see is Bobby. At the age of 66, he chooses to wake up before the sun rises and start his day with Blackbird. More importantly he chooses to start his day with his daughters. Bobby’s CrossFit journey started as a way to spend time with his family, but has evolved into an unexpected passion.  During a WOD, it is not uncommon to see Bobby smiling. This is ironic, because afterwards when you ask him what the worst part was, he will say “After you said 3.2.1…GO!”  When Bobby first started CrossFit, his goal was to just make it through the WODs. But along the way, we’ve seen a genuine shift toward a desire to be better and stronger than yesterday.  He is receptive to coaching, always happy, loves to joke around, and he is a great example and inspiration to athletes of all ages and abilities. The Blackbird family is honored to be a part of his health and fitness journey. Meet BOBBY KIRKNER…


1. Tell us about yourself. DSC_1095

My name is Bob Kirkner, age 66, and I’m married to Janice. We have 2 daughters, Chrissy and Denise. They have given us four beautiful grandchildren.  I am a partner in ABAR Homes, Inc., builders of residential and small commercial centers since 1978 and co- owner of Total Discount Liquors in Eldersburg Plaza.

 2. What made you want to start CrossFit? How long have you been doing it?

10553395_1607639392795694_9192452008639985961_nMy daughters convinced me to give it a try when CrossFit came to Eldersburg about a year and a half ago.  It was an opportunity for me to spend time with them.

3. What were your thoughts after your 1st WOD?

I thought that I knew what a strenuous workout was. I found out after the first WOD, that I have no clue what “hard” was.

4. What were your goals when you 1st started?DSC_0511

Not to die during WOD!  I later saw a sign at while visiting another box during the BACFAT competitions that said, “You will pass out before you die.” Now I realize that I am not alone in feeling that way!

DSC_00645. What are they now?

I realize that at my age I will no longer be the fastest or lift the most weight.  I want to work on my technique and focus on good form so that I can improve my overall performance.

6. What do you enjoy most about CrossFit?DSC_0911

The camaraderie……the support from everyone is amazing.  I also enjoy that every day is a new challenge.

7. What is your favorite CrossFit movement/lift? Least favorite?

Favorite= Deadlift

Least favorite= Turkish get-ups

8. What is the one tip you would give someone considering CrossFit or new to CrossFit?

Be on time….Burpees stink!   Seriously, always keep in mind that the competition is only with yourself, not with others.

DSC_11229. Results? Tell us about your results.

It’s hard to pinpoint any single area that stands out, I have continued to improve my form and that has allowed me to increase the amount of weight that I lift and decrease the time for each WOD.


10. What has CrossFit done for you in and out of the box?

My fitness level and overall health has dramatically improved.  Also, I have met many wonderful people that I now consider friends.DSC_1132